Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Use of Technology in New York Rescue Efforts on September Eleventh

The Use of Technology in New York Rescue Efforts on September Eleventh On the eleventh of September, two planes flew into one of the most recognizable skylines in the world. Two high jacked planes were flown into the upper floors of One and Two-World Trade Center or more commonly known as the Twin Towers. At 9:50 that morning, Two World Trade came thundering down to the ground and shortly after that, One World Trade Center came crashing to the ground. With debris covering sixteen acres of lower Manhattan, and making it difficult for rescue workers to make it around the site, they turned to satellites, robotic cameras, and small lipstick cameras to look in voids where humans could not reach. The Fire Department of New York City and the City of New York worked close with spaceimaging and I –cubed. Three-dimensional modeling was used in the search and rescue phase. This technology generated pictures that showed the area of ground zero in a three dimensional model. This let emergency planners get a better perspective of what ground conditions and difficulties they would face. [1] Three-dimensional modeling is currently used by the military to simulate war operations in areas where they may be deployed. They are now wondering if this type of technology would be great to be used for fire departments in a pre-fire model that would allow firefighters to simulate conditions prior to an emergency. In an interview with Congressman Curt Weldon, he stated â€Å"When new technology is made available to our military – our international responders, it must immediately be made available to our domestic first responders.† Also after this national tragedy many powerful technology companies came together to provide their servic... people broadcasting this news all over the world. Satellites helped to relay the signals from New York City to all over the world so people could witness this generation’s biggest historical event. Days after the collapse, satellites too pictures of lower Manhattan to show the debris field and what area of the east the possible contaminated air was going over. These technologies will be helping our troops who will be fighting in a foreign land to help preserve our rich history of freedom. In this paper, I discussed some of the technologies that emergency rescue personnel used to search the debris of ground zero for possible trapped people and eventually people who perished in the collapse. Also I showed how many different agencies could assemble in a short time and assemble their resources to go do a job on such an enormous job.

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