Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Organizational Structure Of The Criminal Justice System

Steve Jobs once said, â€Å"If you’re working on something exciting that you really care about. You don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.† Criminal Justice Administration is all about the organizational structure of any corporation or organization in the criminal justice system. As a student at Campbell University it is required to hold an internship the summer before your senior year in the criminal justice program. Wunsch Law Firm has always allowed Campbell undergrads and law school students to hold internships within their firm. Throughout my internship experience, at Wunsch Law Firm, I kept Steve Job’s quote in mind. For the purpose of this paper I will discuss all observations about this organizations administrative structure using various variables, strengths, weaknesses, as well as any recommendations for improvement. Wunsch Law Firm is located in Lillington, North Carolina. Its location is only a short drive from the courthouse, which makes it a convenient location. Attorney Jason Wunsch has built a solid reputation representing everyday working people in the areas of Personal Injury, Family Law, Criminal Law, Civil Litigation, Driving While Intoxicated and Traffic Violations. Chad Wunsch mainly focuses on Family Law. Their father works with them as well handling all the finances. Paige Powell is the legal assistant for the firm and does an outstanding job. Jessica Clark is Chad’s paralegal and in charge of the interns. Interns spent a majority of time in theShow MoreRelatedCriminal Justice Organizational Effectiveness Essay1084 Words   |  5 Pagesachieving the desirable results is indicative of organization effectiveness. The United States Criminal Justice system is amongst the most respected governmental entities on the planet; and with a formidably structured and well developed hiera rchy, history has uncovered its adaptability through operational effectiveness. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

How Does Our Brain Communicate Essay - 935 Words

Love According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, it defines love as â€Å"A feeling of strong or constant affection for a person.† (Love, 2015). In order to have the feeling of other person, we need social connection to support it and it is the foundation of all social activities. How does our brain respond to the love of other person? Will external factors change the way our brain responds to love or do our brain actually ignore these outside things and only focus on the inside activities only? I would like to start the discussion with Dr. Lieberman’s perspective. According to Lieberman, we human has both the ability to connect to the social world, and it is the basic needs for us to survive (Lieberman, 2013). Dr. Lieberman explained everything in the society at neurological perspective- the brain activity. Since social connection can be explained by the brain activities, love can be explained the same way. Because love is based on the social connection, in order to love someo ne, we need to know them first. The process of â€Å"getting to know someone† require social skill. There are serval different ways to look at our brain activities and it will explain the relationship between our brain and love. The department of neurology of Harvard University did an experiment on college students. They showed pictures of someone special to them and by using the fMRI to scan their brain compare to the time they look at the picture and the time they did not. The fMRI scan shows two partsShow MoreRelatedTechnology And Technology1027 Words   |  5 Pagesthreat to our brains. While others argue that new technology offers many benefits to our brains like, â€Å"enhancing our intellect, creativity, and mental capacity.† In my opinion, I think new technology is and can be a threat to our brains because I believe technology is replacing our ability to write, and read books. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Sections Free Essays

Section Four: Software to Support Assessment 1)In a 750-1,000 word essay, draft your proposal to utilize software to support assessment in the classroom as a part of your Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan (Benchmark Assessment), which is due in Module 7. Consider the following: a)In what ways can technology facilitate the ongoing effort to assess student learning? b)What is the difference between formative assessment and summative assessment and how can technology be used to facilitate both? c)What are the pros and cons of using technology to assess student learning? )Should a teacher only use technology to assess student learning? Why or why not? 2)Support your rationale from your required readings and from three to five peer-reviewed articles from the GCU eLibrary. 3)Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. We will write a custom essay sample on Sections: or any similar topic only for you Order Now An abstract is not required. 4)The instructor will provide commentary on your draft, which you will then use as a basis for revising this section. The revised section will then become part of the complete Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan (Benchmark Assessment), due in Module 7. Refer to the rubric portion of this resource (below) for grading criteria for this assignment. 5)The draft of this section is due by the end of Module 5. Section Five: Technology Ethics in the Classroom 1)Construct a 750-1,000 word essay drafting your proposal for the ethical uses of technology in the classroom as a part of your Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan (Benchmark Assessment), which is due in Module 7. 2)Address the following issues in your essay: a)Discuss Internet security and how you would implement this in your classroom to protect the students from Internet predators and any inappropriate material. )Explain the way that you would create proper copyright and student use agreements that could be used in your classroom or in any K-12 classroom. c)Discuss three ethical practices of technology use that you would implement in your classroom and explain their importance in a K-12 classroom. 3)Use the GCU eLibrary to research a minimum of three to five peer-reviewed artic les that can be used in support of your content. 4)Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. How to cite Sections:, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Obligations in Relation to Larry liability and the Wrongs Act 1958

Questions: 1.What are your rights and obligations in relation to Larry, your staff and other clients? 2.As the licensee are you liable for Larrys injuries? In your answer consider negligence,vicarious liability and occupiers liability and the Wrongs Act 1958? Answers: 1. Larry is the permanent staff of the restaurant that usually comes in Tapas restaurant to consume Spanish food and sangria. Issue arises when he is drunk and out of control. Often his nature changes and he behave badly with the staffs and clients in the restaurant. According to Liquor Control Reform Act 1998-section 3AB coordination of behaviour after consumption of liquor is not allowed. It is not allowed that after drinking the misuse and abuse of alcohol should not be done. Adequate supply and control over alcohol is restricted. As a licensee of Tapas restaurant it is the responsibility of the licensee to follow the structure of the act. As per section 824B of Corporation Act 2001 in hotel premises and restaurants are not allowed to do any abusive behaviour after drinking alcohol[1]. If the breach of rules of liquor act is done then as per section 4 of Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 if regulation in the restaurant is not maintained then the licensee can take the harmed person to court and for explicating and abusing hex may be punished under Corporation Act[2]. The obligations are to conduct disclosure, use provisional financial service; maintain risk management, work with technological ending. The obligations and rights of the licensee are to fulfil the responsibility service of the alcohol; look after the fire safety; required signage; specific conditions limitation. It is needed that records should be kept by the restaurant and by that the licensee can penalised if any harm is obtained by the other clients. There are several clients in a restaurant who consumes alcohol. This needs Alcohols license with obligation that if the person misbehaves with any of the staffs and the customers then the person may be thrown from the restaurant and in charge penalty may be asked from that person[3]. Under the club license act it is necessary that several premises structures are needed to be carried which may helps in carrying forward the obligations, rights and other duties. For the staffs and the clients every possible steps are needed to be followed appropriately through which change can be brought and if the warning is given to the customers like Larry then they would never perfor m such acts. This may help in structuring and controlling the possible changes in the restaurant and other premises following several dimensions and change which is needed to be brought. 2. At Friday night after leaving the restaurant he was seriously injured. In this case the licensee of the restaurant is non-vicariously liable. He was personally liable for his condition because he was in an intoxicated condition and he used the toilet which is in the backside of the restaurant. In this case Larry is himself liable for the negligence and carelessness performed by him. In this case Occupiers liability act 1984 is responsible because an occupier imposes liability in the maintaining the land which has been made by them. The infrastructure of the toilet is problematic because there is a reason that degree of control has caused the main problem which is the reason those certain conflicts has been raised[4]. This is the duty of the owner of the restaurant to do maintenance of each part of the building but as the toilet was too maintained so Larry was injured. In this case partial duty of the occupier is to maintain the balance of the work of the organization. It is necessary that implied license of legal consideration is needed to be practiced. In this case allurement principle is also balanced because it is common duty of care of the staffs to help the customers. As the staffs have noticed that the condition of Larry was very adverse so it is necessary that the staffs should have taken Larry to any taxi or car in a safe way by seeing his adverse intoxi cated condition. It is necessary that several structures of the premises is needed to be followed through which the organizational benefit in the restaurant is matched. It is necessary that defences on occupiers liability is needed to be fulfilled which may help in carrying forward the structural plans of standard care. It is necessary that standard of care is maintained[5]. Contributory negligence is done in this case because there are different objectives which are needed to be followed in a structural way through which liability is concerned. In this case as both have equal liability so no one is concern about the ramifications. No one can be directly blamed for the injury of Larry as himself he was in a drunk state and under Liquor Control Reform Act 1998-section 3AB no one is allowed to abuse someone in a drunken condition. It is necessary that different structures of Occupiers liability act 1984 is needed to be fulfilled through which license act can be fulfilled. Liability in respect of intoxicated plans is needed to be progressed. These types of acts should be balanced with several conditions which are needed to be balanced. This can prove that the licensee is not vicariously liable for the injury of Larry but the owner was vicariously liable under occupiers liable act. If the balance of the cat is maintained properly then change can be progresse d with the action and planning conditions which helps in carrying forward the balancing nature of the organization or restaurant. In this case Larry cannot sue the restaurant under Wrongs act 1958. Bibliography Devenney, James and Howard Johnson,Contract, Tort, And Restitution Statutes 2010-2011(Routledge-Cavendish, 1st ed, 2011) Nolan, John and Richard Dufty,Buying And Selling A Business(Leo Cussen Institute, 1st ed, 2003) Occupiers Liability Act 1984(2017) Legislation.gov.uk https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1984/3 Symon, Helen,Corporations Act 2001(Leo Cussen Institute, 1st ed, 2006) WRONGS ACT 1958(2017) Austlii.edu.au https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_act/wa1958111/ Helen Symon,Corporations Act 2001(Leo Cussen Institute, 1st ed, 2006). John Nolan and Richard Dufty,Buying And Selling A Business(Leo Cussen Institute, 1st ed, 2003). WRONGS ACT 1958(2017) Austlii.edu.au https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_act/wa1958111/. James Devenney and Howard Johnson,Contract, Tort, And Restitution Statutes 2010-2011(Routledge-Cavendish, 1st ed, 2011). Occupiers Liability Act 1984(2017) Legislation.gov.uk https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1984/3.